Its majesty Triglav, one of the greats
Growing up in Croatia surrounded by look-alike mountain tall neighbours like BiH, Slovenia, Montenegro etc. makes connect with nature. Getting more iterested in the whole mountain world, it was noticable that one peak got mentioned more than others. The highest peak of Slovenia and ex Yugoslavia (2864m), Triglav was and still is considered a sort of a treshold to reach as a hiker. Ever since then, a huge desire to visit Triglav existed in us and this July we finally did it.
about the trail

Total of 30km in 2 days made it a medium trail in terms of distance. The start of the trail was a nice, easy and familiar hike. Just below the mountain home Kredarica (2515m) the terrain started getting steeper. The first 2km of the trail were the same as the one we took to Viševnik. If you haven’t checked that one out you can do so on this link.
Except from the last part the trail was completely safe. The via ferrata from Kredarica to the top can be uncomfortable at points depending how well one handles height. It was not physically challenging, but having a big drop on both sides could create shakiness to some. For that reason a harness has to be used as a safety measure!
Day 1
We decided that it would be the best to drive somewhere close to the start of the trail, spend the night and begin the hike early. We found an adorable apartment in a place we would have never come across if it wasn’t for this trip. The place was called Hudajužna and it was an absolute gem of a village that represents everything that Slovenia is. Neatly cut grass with small hills all around the houses and little trails that lead to the top of each hill. There was also a river Bača flowing through the heart of the village while from all sides protected by heavy mountains. Two words for the ambient, soul nirvana.

Day 2
The plan was to reach the Kredarica hut with enough time to spare. Once we get there we would wait until the weather chages to start via ferrata. It took us 1h of drive from Hudajužna to the Hotel Center where our hike began. The weather was perfect with enough clouds to give the shade and enough sun to keep it warm. 2km after, we said goodby to the familiar path and took a left turn towards Triglav. Here the first landscapes of Koče (houses) on Konjšćica mountain appeared to our left side.

Vast fields followed us for majority of the way while green meadows gave off this cozy and relaxing tone. This ambient removes every bit of stress, if one could even have it in such a place. 400m futher down the path we reached an area called Jezerca (Little lakes). The name origins from a small stream that crates a pool of water and by following that stream we reached a higher spot and new admirable landscapes.

We couldn’t but to gaze on an incredibly photogenic peak called Ablanca as we were aproaching our next stop. It was another mountain hut called Vodnikov dom, below a peak named Vernar. It is safe to say that we could sit here for a week.

1h break and we were off again. The terrain started to get a bit steeper and green colours slowly faded away. Brown rocky ground and grey stones was our colour pallete for the rest of the way.

Once we reached Kredarica hut the weather was foggy as expected. We went to our booked room and relaxed until the weather changed, which was around 17 o’clock. Once the fog disappeared we took only the esentialls, the safety harness and the via ferrata could finally begin!
Via ferrata to the summit
The whole experience of climbing via ferrata was beyond exciting. Having that big drop on all sides made that feeling even more intense, but we have to say that it was not that difficult. Some parts were a bit on the edge, but just being focused and relaxed cleared out all danger.

These beautiful creatures made our way to the top even nicer. Every move they made looked so elegant and efortless regadless of the obstacle or the 400m huge hole below their hooves. You cannot beat the natural talent. It took us cca 1h to reach the top aka Aljažev stolp. Nedless to say that the views were breathtaking.

So far our highest peak we have been on and we were proud of it, 2864m! We took a good 1h of soaking in the feelings and sensations that this viewpoint radiates with. As magnificent as it was we didn’t want to climb down in the dark, therefore we hit the road back.

Climbing down felt much easier and we were down in no time. We were that lucky to even experience the warmest sunset as a reward for the hard day.


After a well deserved rest we had the last day in a complete relax mode. Since we already climbed the peak we could just sit outside in the sun and observe the hordes of people doing the via ferrata. Just a reminder, the Kredarica mountain hut can accommodate 300 people and it was full this weekend. 70% of them aimed for Sunday so we dodged a bullet by going the day before.
The clear sky indicated it would be very hot later, so we decided to head back while the temperature was still ok.

Last sips of tea in our favourite mug and of we go!
As expected we were going fast downhill, so we had some time to spare for a photo or two. The scenery in Triglav national park was absolutely gorgeous. Whatever you set your eyes on locks them for 2 minutes.

And just like that, our trip came to an end. Not gonna lie, we were so sad when we reached the car. Unforgettable experience filled with stunning landscapes, exciting via ferrata, loads of fun and great people. So many more amazing trails are located within Triglav park that just call out for visiting. And we most definitely will!